Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Are your kids morning people? What is your secret?

Hello again, glad we could meet and chat once more. Hope you had a good day. Mine started out fair, clock went off at 5am and I rolled over and got my husband up for work. Around 5:30am I got up and started my day. The mornings are so peaceful and quiet in the house, until 6am ..... *shakes with fear* yes you guessed it, time to get the kids up for school. My daughter is 11 and my son is 7 and they are not morning people. I creep into there room all nice and sweet,"babbies it is time to get up and get ready for school". I say in my nicest of nice voices. My daughter generally rolls over and gives me a nice growl and a glare saying something along the lines of ,"no momma please just go away." My son who is a tiny bit sweeter will just say,"no I am not going to school anymore." That cracks me up , I believe he thinks I am just going to say okay sweety you can just stay at home with mommie forever then. Finally they drag themselves from bed and get dressed, brush there teeth and hair, pack there daily snack. No smiles are passed , no cheery words said, the lights are left on dim. On the inside I am busting with morning joy ( I have always been a happy morning person), which makes my family quite crazy at times. Around 10 minutes til 7am the kids put on there jackets and get there bookbags, and tell me good-bye to start there schoolday. My son with his sparkling blueeyes and my daughter with her beautiful smile. Even when they are sleepy and grumpy they are still sweet precious gifts from God. Hope you have a Blessed day! ~shanna

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